Sunday, September 6, 2009
New Hairdo

Saturday, August 29, 2009
August Blog
I can hardly believe August is nearly over. And I haven't been blogging all month.... so much for my blogger abilities. We've been busy around here. Little man is now crawling at super-sonic speed and he's into everything! He still hasn't taken any steps on his own yet, but is getting close- he's an old hand at cruising the furniture and can walk with us holding just one of his hands. 2 weeks ago he started one day a week at a Mother's Day Out program, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm at a local church. The age group of his class (the "Bouncing Bullfrogs") is 10-18mos and naturally, although one of the youngest, Liam is the biggest baby there. According to his report cards, he's enjoying himself socializing with other youngsters. He's the one sitting in Miss Susie's lap right after Greg dropped him off. They have a schedule of activities they do every day, 15-30 minute blocks... snack time, singing songs, story time, diaper change, chapel (I'd like to see 6 Bouncing Bullfrogs pay attention during chapel!), outdoor play, lunch time, free play, naptime....Of course, I get the rewarding part- picking him up! It's such a rush when he clings like a monkey and laughs and sings out his happiness in the car on the way back home!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Splish Splash
Thursday, July 9, 2009
July Update
We had a very pleasant 4th of July at the Ranch and had a treat- my brother Bill was on leave and visiting from Georgia. It was great spending some time with Billy. He's truly a sweet young man, and gives me a lot of laughs. Liam was uncertain about his only uncle! I guess the stranger anxiety kicked in. He doesn't see Grandma Dee and Grandpa Paul very often (on average once per month) but he remembers them and revels in Grandpa Paul. Dee and I have to laugh because she knocks herself out for him and he only has eyes for Grandpa Paul if he's in the room. Liam started cruising the furniture while we were there, and now that he's home he travels the couches and coffee tables with ease. And I'm thrilled to be "Mama"- his first word!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hot Days
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Nine Months

This blog is just basically all about Liam. I don't seem to have any other topics that interest me half as much! If I could change the title of my blog from "The Blog With No Name" to something like "The Liam Journals", I'd have to do it. But wow.... today marks the nine months birthday. Nine months in the womb, and nine months out. What a life changing year and a half it has been, and I still marvel at how absolutely in love I am. Its almost painful sometimes! I need to schedule his third quarter professional photography...we ought to be able to capture some standing up, which he is getting really good at. In fact, he thinks he's better at it than he really is, and keeps trying to let go of hand-holds and falling down. He scares me- sometimes he takes intentional dives for the thrill of it and comes up grinning when you catch him! What else... with lots of encouragement, he's finally starting to take steps, 6-8 at a time. Babbling the G-words all day yesterday. Loves sampling foods from our plates- the other night he had "nano-burgers" (tiny pinches of hamburger and bun) which he seemed to just love. He's finally learning to be more gentle with kitties and has been rewarded by Fergus approaching him and allowing some chin scratching. That's about all I can think of and Greg needs to write an exam, so I'll sign off now!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
That Seventies Guy

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Safari Guy
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Liam, De-Planter
Today we had such a pleasant day visiting with Grandma Dee and Grandpa Paul. It's fabulous having adult company, and they're thoroughly enjoying the grandbaby. Dee was so sweet and brought me several flats of potting plants and a beautiful mandevilla, so we went to work planting this morning while Liam napped and Paul looked on. Later, Mister woke up and came outside to join the party on the back deck. We thought we'd have a cute photo-op for Liam amongst the flowers, but he immediately uprooted the nearest plant!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Avocado ... Mmmm
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Bye-Bye, Daddy
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Great Starter
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
No Idea What To Write
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Baby Irony

Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy News
Sunday, May 10, 2009
My First Mother's Day

A picture of myself, Liam and "Gigi" celebrating Mother's Day. Today Greg had a lovely vase of flowers, chocolate cupcakes, and signed cards from himself and Liam for me, and overall we've had a pleasant day. We went to a steakhouse for a tasty meal with Great-grand-pop and G-ma and G-pa Holland, and Liam had pieces of dinner roll soaked in steak juice. He went wild for it, so I think he'll fit in with the rest of the family and wind up loving that red meat! After lunch we all went over to the nursing home and visited with Nan, who unfortunately was having a rather bad day. (She wants nothing so much as to leave the nursing home, and felt like Mother's Day was just the day for it). Larry and Sally, Carole and Don, and Kristin and Jason also arrived at the nursing home in time for a big family visit, and of course we had a few friendly extras who were drawn to the baby stroller as well. I missed not seeing my own beloved mama today, but I called her when we got home, and found out she's riding to the rescue next week and plans to help out and visit me and Liam while Greg is out of town. Hallelujah!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Productive Day

Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Night

Greg is at the college graduation ceremony, so I had a date with the Little Mister tonight. I took him "hanging-plant shopping" after work... we picked out 4 hanging plants and text-messaged with Greg while he was apparently bored out of his mind at Graduation. No, not a very exciting Friday night, but when you're dating a 7 1/2 month old, the options are a little limited. If all goes as planned, we're going to clean deck furniture, pick up clutter, and try to beautify the back deck tomorrow. Sort of in honor of my Dad and Peggy coming for the Memorial Day holiday- if it's not sweltering, maybe we'll sit on the back deck, drink some wine, and enjoy the frogs singing. No, there isn't too much to do in rural Norman, OK. And why is it I'm only motivated to do cleaning projects when company's coming? I thought this was an interesting photo- I took it in full darkness with only the flash for lighting.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Now For the Waiting...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hanging In There
Off our back deck. Which we will be cleaning and beautifying this weekend. It's on the honey-do list. (Something needs to occupy us while we await Liam's test results!) Tomorrow is Liam's CT scan. I spoke to a CT technician at Norman Regional Hospital today, and she was so kind and helpful, basically gave me an overview of what to expect. I will be able to don radiation-protective gear and go into the room with him. The whole scan should take 5-10 minutes if all goes smoothly. Greg and I are nervous, and pretty uncomfortable about the radiation we're subjecting him to, but on the small chance that he does indeed have hydrocephalus, the benefits of catching it now probably outweigh the risks. Anyway, thank you all for your words of encouragement and your prayers.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Prayer Request
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mister's Moth
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Quite a Quiet Day
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Today's blog photo is from the Engineering student "picnic" we attended this afternoon. Greg took a break from grilling hot dogs and hamburgers to give Liam a taste of dill pickle- the students (who suggested the idea) were all gathered around him to see the pickle faces, and the little mister didn't disappoint! It rained another inch this morning. I'm thankful for the rain, but it meant I will not have the pleasure of mowing this weekend. It also kept the "picnic" indoors in the Engineering Lab. After we cleaned up the lab, we stopped by the Spirit Shop where Liam is technically too young to enter the premises, but the cashiers allowed him in as long as he didn't try to buy anything. Now I'm about to pour myself a glass of nice Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon and watch the Kentucky Derby...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Flowers for Friday
Here's a photo of the Indian Paintbrush in our front yard. Lots of wildflowers and green, green, green from all the rain. I'm so glad it's my weekend off. I'm fairly itching to get on the riding lawnmower. Last spring I was pregnant and not allowed to ride it, so if the weather permits it will be my first time mowing since 2007. Yeah! I LOVE my riding lawnmower! I'll definitely leave the Indian Paintbrush alone. I'm ready to relax tonight and have some Asian-style stir-fry over Basmati rice prepared by my husband. Love that man. Greg spent the day at G-ma Holland's house where she made cookies and baby-sat and he graded tests. Today was a rather dreary, cloudy, slow, boring-at-work kind of a day. By mid-afternoon I was in the mood for some sort of surgery to come in.... a c-section or better yet, a laceration repair. Of course those generally come in closer to 6 pm on most Fridays, and only when the appointment book is chock-full!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
My little guy woke up from his nap this morning in such a sweet mood! Liam is definitely responding to quite a few words and phrases- he understands: where is the doggy/kitty, do you want a bottle, stand up, open wide, and Daddy's home, to name a few. He's also trying to mimic sounds. Last night he did the funniest cat's meow when the cats were nagging Greg to feed them.
We've had a nice day so far (though it got off to a bad start for me when I stumbled into the bathroom this morning and stepped on a disgusting soaked bathmat and opened my eyes to a flooded toilet in the master bathroom.... but to my surprise, Greg manned up and dealt with the mess. Lord, I love that man!) I had to laugh at Greg last night because he expressed concern that his students might somehow stumble onto this blog and read yesterday's entry. You see, he's a stickler for homework and teaches difficult courses without curving the grades, so they call him "Hardcore Holland" - a title he relishes. I think he's concerned that the image of Hardcore Holland might take a hit if students read about his wife living the Little Kisses Lifestyle....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Living The Little Kisses Lifestyle
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Day Off Work
Liam and I went to Walmart and Sam's Club, where he has so many friends and admirers. Little traffic stopper... he was so full of himself today. Giving great cheesy grins to cashiers and shoppers and other cart-riding kids. I treasure this time when he's so sociable, knowing that a time is probably coming when he'll develop stranger anxiety. Thanks to Aunt Deb for the cart cover- it even fits the wide-load carts they have at Sam's Club and he loves to mess with his toys. Today he was chewing those extra vigorously because another tooth is in- another lower incisor for a total of 4 in a row down there! At the end he slumped over sideways and fell asleep until we stopped at the register and he realized there was another cashier (and the next cashier over) to charm, so he sat back up.
Monday, April 27, 2009
To Do or Not To Do: Project 365
My cousin Natalie is doing "Project 365" where she posts a new photo in her blog every day. I feel that this could be too ambitious for me, but what the heck. If I fail, my friends and family can flog me with spagetti noodles. I will have to make an effort to include some variety rather than Liam, Liam, and more Liam. I think it's probably breaking some Project 365 "rules" to post a photo taken by your spouse the day before, but I'm going to go with it anyway, because this one is just too cute. It was actually taken by Greg yesterday while I was at the hospital or off to see the little old couple with the Great Dane...but the photo is new to me- I just found it on the camera tonight and had to upload it. Just looking at it gives me the strongest urge to go wake him and smother him with kisses! (BAD IDEA....)
Take me OFF CALL!
I'm so relieved my weekend was quiet on the on-call front. I did make a housecall yesterday to help an 80 year old couple with a Great Dane who had been shot. They of course could not lift the dog in order to bring him in (neither could I)... nor could they safely drive even if they could have loaded him. He was at least 150 lbs just eyeballing him, nice dog, luckily I didn't have to put him to sleep. But this is why 80 year old couples should stick with chihuahuas.
I have one more night on call then a day off tomorrow with my precious boy. I really don't like Mondays because I'm always on call and we don't close until 7pm. By the time I get off and maybe see an emergency or 2, then drive 45 minutes to get home, Liam's bedtime already passed, so I missed the full day with him. Then I have to stand over his crib and watch him sleep and look forward to Tuesday when we can laugh and play. I could just EAT HIM UP! Thankfully we're hiring a new graduate as soon as she, well, graduates. In May. Then she's the low dog on the totem pole and stays until 7pm on Mondays!
I have one more night on call then a day off tomorrow with my precious boy. I really don't like Mondays because I'm always on call and we don't close until 7pm. By the time I get off and maybe see an emergency or 2, then drive 45 minutes to get home, Liam's bedtime already passed, so I missed the full day with him. Then I have to stand over his crib and watch him sleep and look forward to Tuesday when we can laugh and play. I could just EAT HIM UP! Thankfully we're hiring a new graduate as soon as she, well, graduates. In May. Then she's the low dog on the totem pole and stays until 7pm on Mondays!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My Beautiful Boy
First Entry
My blog. I've titled it aptly and assigned it a web address under considerable duress. I'm not sure I'm going to be a wonderful blogger, considering I sat for about ten minutes trying unsuccessfully to come up with a title, and then finally accepted Greg's sarcastic suggestion. I'm sure that's not original though, because the web address matching the title was unavailable, indicating that prior frustrated new bloggers have resorted to this title. All in all, I thought it was a rather inauspicious beginning, so I used that for my web address. If this winds up having six or eight entries, ever, then at least the web address will have been accurate!
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