Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

My little guy woke up from his nap this morning in such a sweet mood! Liam is definitely responding to quite a few words and phrases- he understands: where is the doggy/kitty, do you want a bottle, stand up, open wide, and Daddy's home, to name a few. He's also trying to mimic sounds. Last night he did the funniest cat's meow when the cats were nagging Greg to feed them.
We've had a nice day so far (though it got off to a bad start for me when I stumbled into the bathroom this morning and stepped on a disgusting soaked bathmat and opened my eyes to a flooded toilet in the master bathroom.... but to my surprise, Greg manned up and dealt with the mess. Lord, I love that man!) I had to laugh at Greg last night because he expressed concern that his students might somehow stumble onto this blog and read yesterday's entry. You see, he's a stickler for homework and teaches difficult courses without curving the grades, so they call him "Hardcore Holland" - a title he relishes. I think he's concerned that the image of Hardcore Holland might take a hit if students read about his wife living the Little Kisses Lifestyle....


  1. What a great picture. He has awesome eyes!

  2. Vince says since Liam is the product of two genius parents, he is surprised that the little man is not talking yet!
